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Why Muslims must be at the forefront of fighting anti-Semitism

Hamid Dabashi

Al Jazeera

Sun Mar 17 2019

...Zionists have two deadly weapons at their disposal, both of which are now entirely useless and outdated: first is their massive stockpile of nuclear weapons and second their empty slander of anti-Semitism.

From when they write highfalutin opinion pieces in Haaretz or the New York Times or anything else in between to when they demand and exact masses of billions of dollars of military extortion from the US, Zionists rely on these two weapons - that they are the only nuclear power in their region at the service of the empire and that anyone daring to tell them they are a gang of racist European settler colonial thieves stealing Palestine one settlement at a time, they start kicking and screaming, like that proverbial shepherd: "Wolf!"...

Why Muslims must be at the forefront of fighting anti-Semitism
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