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What We Do


Started at Columbia University, CU-Monitor is an online platform for tracking, exposing and combating Zionophobia in academia.

Who We Are
What We Do

Who We Are

We are a group of Columbia University and Barnard College alumni, faculty, students and their parents who are fed up with the relentless antisemitic anti-Israeli propaganda and activity at our Alma Mater.


We do not want to see Columbia's reputation tarnished further by the inaction of the administration seemingly unwilling or incapable of reining in  the growing antisemitism directed at the Jewish students by the virulently anti-Israel faculty and aggressive student activists on campus.

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Why Columba?

Why Start with Columbia University?

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No Peace on Stolen Land - From Standing

There are a number of reasons for starting with Columbia University.


First, Columbia University is our Alma Mater and we are concerned by its reputation as the hotbed of antisemitism.


Second, it is an important battle ground in the fight against bias and antisemitism in academia.

Is Columbia Really Bad?

Is Columbia Really Bad?

Judge for yourself:


  • See our list of anti-Israel and antisemitic events at Columbia,

  • See media coverage of antisemitism at Columbia,

  • See our list of anti-Israel and antisemitic professors at Columbia.


Here is but a small sample:

The 40 Worst Colleges for Jewish Student
The 40 Worst Colleges for Jewish Student

An example of hostile anti-Semitic environment faced by Jewish, Israeli and pro-Israel students at Columbia, as show in the film "Hate Spaces: The Politics of Intolerance on Campus."

Virulent anti-Israel faculty creates hostile environment for Jewish, Israeli and pro-Israel students.

Professor Hamid Dabashi - An example of anti-semitic faculty from the Middle Eastern, South Asian and African Studies (MESAAS) department of Columbia University.

Israeli Apartheid Week of 2017 - An example of anti-Semitic events at Columbia. Unviesity.

See Our Blogs, Newsletters and Forums

Blogs, Newsletters, Forums
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