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Become a member to receive our newsletters and to contribute to our blog and forum discussions!

Participate in discussions and make your voice heard!

If you register as a member of CU-MONITOR community you will be able to participate in the forum discussions, submit blog posts and like and interact with the other members.


Never miss important news or calls to action!

  • Subscribers will receive newsletters about the latest events and developments at Columbia and Barnard.

  • Subscribers will be advised of action alerts for specific anti-Israel activities.

Join Us!
Join the Team

Join the CU-MONITOR Team!

If you want to help fight anti-Semitism and ensuring fairness to Israel at Columbia and Barnard, here is your chance to make your voice heard and make a difference.

What it takes to run and promote our website

This is a partial list of activities necessary to run and promote Columbia University Monitor website:


  1. Manage the technical aspects of the website, design of it, structure, etc.

  2. Write all the blog posts, forum entries, etc.

  3. Compile all of the information for the website:

    • Track anti-Israel and anti-Semitic activities at Columba that are listed here.

    • Track media stories (print, video, blogs, etc.) that are relevant to our mission, i.e. either about anti-Semitic/anti-Israel activities at Columbia or such relevant stories written by people affiliated with Columbia (such as when Rashid Khalidi says or radio that Jews will "infest" Trump administration) or activities by pro-Israel students, such as SSI, opposing anti-Israel activities, etc. This information appears here.

    • Read through all Columbia publications: Columbia SpectatorBWog blog, SIPA's Morningside Post blog.

    • Compile information about anti-Israel/anti-Semitic Columbia faculty that appears here.

    • Compile various reference information useful in our fight to push back anti-Israelism on Columbia campus. It will appear in the Reference menu item(s). It will be information about people and organizations inside and outside of Columbia helpful or opposing our cause, etc.

  4. Promote the website and various postings. Essentially, when we put up somewhat newsworthy information on the website, such as a new blog post or news about the website, etc. we post it in various Facebook groups and on the Twitter feed. This is a fairly mechanical put time-consuming process.

  5. Publish newsletters. Specifically,

    • Maintain the list of subscribers in MailChimp,​

    • Design the format of the newsletters,

    • Write engaging content, even if it mostly refers to something published on the website (such as a blog post).

  6. Publish Action Alerts. This is similar to publishing a mini newsletter only on a single, very specific and time-sensitive subject.

  7. Collect donations.

How you can help

We are looking for a few dedicated volunteers to join our team an help us with the following:


  • Research, track and report anti-Israel activities at Columbia University and Barnard College.

    • Attend anti-Israel events at Columbia and Barnard, record and report (Columbia University ID may be required; CUID is available free of charge to alumni by requesting it in person at the Library Information Office in Butler Library),

    • Read various Columbia publications (the list will be available soon),

    • Track social media activities of anti-Israel professors (the list will be published soon),

    • Track media for articles, videos, etc. about Columbia and Barnard or by those affiliated with Columbia and Barnard as relevant to the anti-Israel atmosphere on campus.


  • Promote CU-MONITOR on social media and encourage others, especially  those who are affiliated with Columbia or Barnard to join our membership and subscribe to our newsletter and action alerts.


  • Liaison with the press to help us publicize anti-Israel activities at Columbia and the chronic failure of the administration to address the problem.

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