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JOIN Stop Funding Antisemitism CAMPAIGN!

Donors and Alumni!


Columbia University administration has tolerated virulent anti-Israelism on campus, dismissed harassment complaints of pro-Israel students and failed to condemn anti-Semitic rantings of anti-Zionist professors such as Hamid Dabashi, Joseph Massad and others.


Despite all efforts to engage the university administration in dialog, the administration has evaded substantive conversation by issuing boilerplate PR statements, stonewalled and declined to address these matters. Legitimate concerns of pro-Israel students, faculty and alumni have been simply brushed aside.


One of the few ways available to the pro-Israel Columbia community to attract the administration's attention to these serious matters is by withholding donations. Only when the administration will see that we are ready to back up our talk with money, will they start paying attention. It is time to show Columbia administration that there is a real cost to its tolerance of anti-Semitism on campus!


Join Stop Funding Anti-Semitism campaign and give to pro-Israel causes on campus instead!


You donations will be used to promote fair treatment of Israel and pro-Israel students on campus. Specifically,


  • Fund educational pro-Israel events on campus,

  • Fund further lobbying efforts to influence Columbia University administration,

  • Support pro-Israel students and student groups.

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Every penny diverted to Stop Funding Anti-Semitism campaign sends a clear message to the Columbia University administration that there is a price to pay for tolerating anti-Semitism on campus.

Why Donate to Stop Funding Anti-Semitism Campaign?

The Problem


When alumni read about anti-Semitic--often disguised as anti-Zionist--events on campus a typical impulse is to threaten withholding donations. Unfortunately, unless you are a wealthy super-donor who gives millions to Columbia, this does not work and is often counterproductive for the following reasons:


  1. Columbia administration is likely to consider this to be an empty threat as most alumni do not donate. Statistically there is little reason to believe that any funding is at risk.

  2. Withholding funds by an individual small donor makes no discernible impact on a large and wealthy institution like Columbia. And even when multiple donors withhold donations, Columbia is unable to track how much aggregate funding is at risk.

  3. Once a donation is withheld, the donor is left with no tools to make further impact.

  4. It is insufficient to simply withhold funds, because withheld funds make no positive impact at Columbia and can be replaced by anti-Israel donors.


The Solution


Stop Funding Anti-Semitism campaign addresses the issues listed above as follows:


  1. GoFundMe website used to collect diverted donations tracks every donation and the donor (if the name is provided). This demonstrates that the funds lost are real money.

  2. GoFundMe website shows the aggregate amount of the donations thus pooling diverted funds and showing all the funds lost to Columbia.

  3. By tracking and making public all the diverted donations and the number of individuals who decided to withhold their funding the GoFundMe registry provides additional PR value and allows us to further publicize the campaign to influence and attract other potential donors.

  4. Withheld funds go towards promoting pro-Israel causes on campus.

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